Thursday, February 09, 2006

Rick Springfield's Maturity (and Knowledge of Rocking)

I just heard the song "Jessie's Girl", and I couldn't help thinking what it would be like to be Jessie. You would be at work some day in the early 80s, and one of your co-worker's would say to you, "Hey Jessie, have you been listening to the radio? Your buddy Rick wants to sleep with your girlfriend." What a crappy way to learn that.

I think Rick Springfield must have had a lot of growing up to do back in the 80s. I wanted to follow up to see if he'd changed. So, I went to his website -- where I was greeted with the warning:

Some material may be inappropriate for people who don't know how to rock.

So, I figure he has grown up. Only a grown-up person would say such a thing.


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