Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Beelzebubbies will remind you

My temp job right now is at a big and boring corporation, and is not one that I want for the long-term. I am okay with (and thankful for) it for now, because it allows me to live in the city and I know it's temporary. I have been asked by people here if I would like to stay on at the company. And even though there is a comfort in the familiar, there hasn't been a moment where I have seriously considered it. I have a better idea now of what I'm looking for in a career, and this isn't it. I consider this a paid patience internship.

But it's nice to get those reminders of why I'm not going to keep this job, if only for entertainment value. The ones that drive the point home with the subtlety of a jackhammer.

Picture something, if you will: It's a drawing. A bright, colorful but simple drawing of rolling green hills, blue skies, flowers and a larger-than-life sun with visible, symmetrical rays--just like you used to draw in the second grade for Sister Mary-Prozac. There are children in the drawing. Not children exactly--more like the big-eyed spawn of Teletubby-Satan tryst. These children are climbing a ladder to the sun, and are flipping a light switch, which ostensibly controls the sun. In the field below them, amongst the myriad flowers, is a rainbow leading to a pot of gold.

What I have just described might sound like an elementary school art project. It might sound like the winner of the 2nd Grade "Where Does Happiness Live?" Drawing Contest sponsored by your local Fire Hall. Or it just might sound like the drawing that a child might do for their Mommy, to show Mommy how talented they are and how much they love Mommy.

But it's none of these things. It's actually the first thing I see when I get to work in the morning.

It's a poster reminding employees to "Go Out of Your Way!". The pot of gold says "Employee Recognition". Inside the rainbow, the word "Advocacy" is repeated over and over again. And inside the sun? "Add some sunshine to YOUR customer's day!" At the bottom, it says "This Advocacy Message Brought to you by Operations".

So, if I am reading this code correctly, Operations is telling me that if I advocate it will lead to employee recognition, thus allowing me to go out of my way, resulting in sunshine for my customer. Of course, this could also just be the drawing of an unraveling schizoid, prophesying the imminent arrival of an army of Beelzebubbies that will blot out the Earth's sun, killing everything good in the world (including my customer).

Nah, I don't really need a reminder. But I love things that make me laugh.


At 8:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

That big corporation probably paid a marketing firm big money for that kind of message delivery system. In the end, they are paying your bills sooooooooo...."Where's me pot of gooold Philly"

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Jon said...

Uncle Phil,
Love the blog, you're a talented writer. In geek terms..."Your blog's RSS feed is at the top of my aggregator..." (enter dorky laugh).
I love the corporate culture bashing. I'm glad to see/hear everything is going well for you in NYC. Keep up the good work.

At 6:19 PM, Blogger SwimBikeRun said...


At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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