Saturday, June 16, 2007

Symbolic Indignance? Aisle Nine.

Sometimes, the people speak, and they will not be ignored.

Sometimes they speak with the written word. Others times, they let the sheer volume of a march or demonstration say it all. Sometimes, they speak with their nuts.

In response to the recent cancelling of the apocolyptic TV show 'Jericho', fans of the show apparently got together via the internet and organized a campaign to save the show. After what amounted to a passionate and compelling plea from the devoted fans of the show, the mighty corporate monolith CBS capitulated--'Jericho' was renewed for seven additional episodes in mid-season.

I read about this on I haven't watched the show, but apparently there is more than one website devoted solely to saving the show. On one page, they have over 25 different threads discussing "Proposed Brainstorming and Action Categories" around increasing viewership. Actually, the last thread is devoted to "Ways to thank CBS for their Renewal Decision". One couple suggested a huge vase of flowers (those people are pictured here-I was impressed by their shared fashion sense, and the fact that they appeard to have one body with two heads).

They have press releases--the first one closed with the demand "Jericho deserves more time to tell its story, we accept no less". Another one noted that fans had purchased full-page ads in Variety expressing support for the show.

But my favorite is the nuts.

An allusion to someone on the show saying "Nuts!" about the concept of surrender, viewers sent CBS over 50,000 pounds of nuts. That's 25 tons of nuts, sent via post, to a major television network, as a defiant statement of solidarity in the face of unjust programming decisions. I guess it's my favorite because it allows me to trace the progressive rage of a hypothetical Irate Jericho Viewer.

  1. Irate Jericho Viewer won't take it anymore.

  2. Irate Jericho Viewer reads Save Jericho websites, and rage against the network machine grows.
  3. Fury takes the form of stomping to car, driving like a bat out of heck to local store (IJV still treats other motorists courteously, as it is not their fault that Jericho was canceled).

  4. IJV walks at brisk pace toward Nut Aisle.

  5. IJV puzzles over which nut sends the best message; which kind demonstrates the most disgust and steely, Neilsen-damning resolve.

  6. IJV chooses chestnuts with a wry smile, as chestnuts are a sentimental nut--the kind you roast over a open fire, such as the fire that crackles in his belly.

  7. IJV notices a magazine in the 10-items-or-less line talking about the situation in Darfur, and can't help but think that it might make a good topic for a future drama. IJV swipes Frequent Shopper card for small discount on his message to unfeeling suits in fancy CBS offices.

  8. IJV takes packages of nuts (two, because screw them!) to local post office, along with hastily-scribbled screed of support.

  9. IJV waits in line for 15 minutes, tapping foot all the while to the syncopated rhythym of revolt.

  10. IJV sends nuts via Registered Mail, so he will know the name of his enemy (or at least his enemy's executive assistant).

It worked. The IJVs won with their statement-sacks of tree nuts and legumes. And who am I to judge their actions--I haven't saved a TV show this month. I've noted their methods, though - and I've got an half-eaten bag of almonds just waiting to screech my ire should they decide to cancel "The Office".


At 11:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Is 'Jericho' the show when a coked up martian comes down from space in an egg and hijinx ensues with a lady named Mindy?

At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am embarrassed to say that this show has just started in Germany. Shall I watch it and keep the peanuts from my M&M's peanut chocolate??


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