Friday, August 11, 2006

From the mouths of soiled babes....

Children are so honest. This past weekend, I met a friend's young daughter at a family gathering in Pittsburgh -- she is probably two years old or so, blond and energetic with scene-stealing glow about her. I spoke with her a few times during the course of the day, mostly answering questions about where her mother was, where her father was, and who I was.

At one point in the afternoon, she strutted into my field of vision as I was talking with a few people. She was walking with a graceful sort of purpose, unlikely in a girl that age. As she went by, she looked up at us -- and with a toothy grin and a whaddya-gonna-do shrug, said simply "I pooped."

That kind of honesty has power. I will say this now: If I ever saw a politician admit on camera that he had just pooped, I would vote for him regardless of party or policies.


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