Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Crazy, Gnarly, Spicy

All of us get songs stuck in our heads from time to time. Whether it is the song you just heard on the radio, or the one that guy was whistling on the elevator--music is contagious.

Some songs are welcome; they stay in your head simply because you like them. Others stick despite your keen dislike for them. I will sometimes take advantage of the latter by leaving voice messages for friends, and inserting the odd lyric from Gordon Lightfoot or the Spice Girls. The thought of a friend that is suddenly mentally crippled by the sound of Scary Spice repeating, ad nauseum, what she really, really wants--well, it can help get you through the day.

I am as susceptible as any to catchy songs. The most recent culprit is the song "Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley. The more I heard it, the more I liked that song.... so I bought it on iTunes. I was listening to it yesterday on the way to work, and it latched onto my brain like a parasite that sweats superglue. Normally, this wouldn't be that unpleasant, but....

My attention span can be short. It can be particularly short in my current job, and Gnarls only made it worse.

A co-worker approached me, wanting to answer a question that I had asked via email:

"So, the project you were referring to is still not in the system. If you can put it in there and assign it blah blah blah"

I don't really know if this is what the person said, because at some point Gnarls took over. And though my eyes were on my co-worker, my mind was on:

"I think you're CRAYY-ZAYYY. I think you're CRAY-ZAAAY." I was staring and nodding my head, but nothing but Gnarls was getting through. I hope I didn't mouth the words.

Another cubicle compatriot said hello, and launched into something or other. I'm sure my ear drums were sending the message to my brain, but my brain was at a dance party.

Them: "Worky, Worky, Blah, Blah, Synergy"

Gnarls/Me: "Who do you think you are?? Hahaha! Bless your soul! You think you're in control? I think you're CRAYY-ZAYYY!"

It was debilitating, and kind of a blur. I think at one point in our very one-sided conversation I may have moved my hips a little in a seated dance. I have not yet been called into anyone's office, so I think I may not have been as obvious as I thought.

Realizing now how dangerously agreeable Gnarls is, I didn't listen to them on the way to work today. Today, I have to get some actual work done. The first task, of course, is removing this horrid, self-inflicted Spice Girls from my head. I don't want to have to be their 'Lov-ah' all day.


At 8:29 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

The first step...uh huh hu...get some bananas.....the second step... uh huh hu....cut up some grapes...the third step....uh huh hu....slice some melon...yummy, yummy.... yummy, yummy...yummy,yummy......Fruit Salaaaaaaaaaad!
(chorus)Fruit Salad. yummy yummy!

At 12:48 PM, Blogger SwimBikeRun said...

" . . .Just like a paperback novel, about a ghost from a wishing well . . .when you reach the part where the heartache starts . . ."


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